Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Galleria for Fashion and Craft Exhibition

Dear Exhibitors,

Please kindly check our events, will be held :

Venue : Level 2, East Mall, Grand Indonesia
Date    : 22 Aug - 04 Sept 2011
Booth size : 2x3 m.
Price   : IDR 6,000,000 / 2 weeks [ fair enough right?? hihihi ]

For more info, kindly contact us at :
- 0813-88388813 / 021-91411186 [Juan]
- 0821-14131001 / 021-99717104 [Savira]

Thank you

Warmest regards,

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Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Hello from Click Team

Hello you there,

Here's our new blogs,, we are still under construction... ^.*

Blog ini nantinya akan berisi berbagai kegiatan dari Click! project ... Moga" bermanfaat, khususnya untuk kalian yang suka dengan dunia fashion, entertainment, party out loud ^.*, fotografi, dan lainnya ...

Please check our updates ..

Lovely regards,

Click! Team